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Research Paper Publication
My Research Paper titled- 'Role of Public Relation in Shaping Corporate Social Responsibility' got published in CSIJ [Creative Space International Journal] (Peer Reviewed and Referred International Journal)
Publication Details:
Link -
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Edition - Sept to Oct 2015
Page No - 76
Vol - 03
Issue - 05
P.S. The link for PDF is working for desktops and laptops ONLY.
CASL- CMA Certificate

Date: Feb 19th 2024
Certified Digital Marketing and Social Media Professional at National Workshop conducted by Mr. Ananthanarayanan V, Founder and CEO Techdivine Creative Services

Acting Experience in JAAL - Short film, winner of 2nd Prize under Inter Faculty Short Film Competition
Participated in Photography submission blog as part of course curriculum
Owner, admin, and photographer of self-made Facebook photography page- 'Khichaik Creativity' whose link is:
Submitted 150 photographs for academics under different photography categories like nature, kids, sports, festival, animal, bird, night, daylight, abstract, and monument photography options. Few glimpses here :
Casting Director for ‘Baroda Connect’- Television Production documentary
Interviewed in 'Student Chaupal' show of Rajya Sabha Television (RSTV) Reporter: Arvind Kumar Singh aired on 8-12-2012
Participated in VNM- Anchor Campus Hunt
Contemporary Theatre Performance
Acting and dancing for a theatre play 'Vatapatrikagatha' based on 150th Birth Anniversary of Maharaja Sayajiraorao Gaekwad and his life story). Awarded with a memento for acting and dancing in a recent play 'Kanjoos' held on 5th June 2016 at reputable C.C. Mehta Auditorium.

As part of Photography and Filmmaking subject in academics, developed a short movie 'Shak Beshak' inspired from Tata Sky ad.

Participated in a Brainstorming Session on 'Cyber Security and Social Media- Its need and issues in the era of digitization' at Divya Bhaskar News Office